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Founded 50+ years ago, ICF was built to be a different kind of company. Then and now, we partner with organizations around the world to bring transformative projects to life and tackle some of the most complex global challenges of our time.
Make a difference
At ICF, we produce meaningful outcomes that positively impact people and communities every day. Learn more about some of our open roles across key areas and teams.
Nearly 90% of our employees are proud to work at ICF and over 80% feel like they belong. We encourage an environment where every member of our team feels respected, valued, and heard, so we can do our best work every day.
A leader in sustainability and corporate citizenship
For decades, we have been recognized for exemplifying “extraordinary leadership” in our response to climate change. Carbon neutral since 2006, we have sustained comprehensive greenhouse gas inventories and met aggressive emissions reduction goals. Rooted in our purpose of building a more prosperous and resilient world for all, we have a longstanding commitment to supporting our people, protecting the planet, giving back to our communities, and serving our clients with integrity.